This postcard shows the earliest view of the Drill Hall I have found yet. Although the detail is not clear it may be that the Reading Room board has not yet been put in place, which could mean it is before Nov. 1903.
By comparing the changes on the road and Esplanade I can tell that this image is earlier than the other one with a 1905 postmark.
I was very surprised by this photograph as it shows that the roof lights were not original. The roof is clearly unbroken.
Wrench produced postcards between late November 1900 and July 1904. A subsequent company Wrench Postcards Limited was formed in Jan 1905 and liquidated in July 1907 though there is little evidence of manufacture after late 1905/early 1906.
Divided back postcards like this one were first permitted in 1902 but of course that doesn’t indicate when the original picture was taken.